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“Azneftkimyamaş-Balaxanı maşınqayırma zavodu” ASC neftçıxarma sahəsi üçün qazma, kəsici və tutucu alətlərin istehsalında 1883-cü ildən ixtisaslaşmışdır. Hal-hazırda müəssisə, neft sənayesi üçün pərli qazıma baltaları, metçiklər, frezerlər, kolokollar, elevatorlar, açarlar, borututucular, kalibratorlar və digər qazıma avadanlıqlar, müxtəlif tutucu və kəsici qəza alətləri istehsal edir.


Experience in government projects

We have perfect and long-term cooperation with public and private institutions

141 years of history

We have been serving our customers continuously since 1883

Wide range of products

Year by year, we increase our portfolio with a wider range of services and products



General information about the activity of the enterprise

"Azneftkimyamash-Balakhany machine-building plant" OJSC was founded in 1883 by the "Rothschild" company. In 1920, the enterprise operated under the name Balakhani oil axes plant.

 Since 1991, it has been operating under the name "Balakhani Machine-Building Plant". Since 2001, in connection with the structural reforms carried out in the shipbuilding industry, the enterprise has operated under the name "Balakhani Machine-Building Plant" as part of "Azneftkimyamash" OJSC.

"Azneftkimyamash-Balakhani machine-building plant" OJSC by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azer


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